Keeping Your Pets Healthy and Happy

Keeping pets is a hobby around the world, and it dates back for centuries. Many historical photos, paintings, journal entries, and more show people of all social classes owning dogs and cats, birds and reptiles, and more. In fact, keeping squirrels as pets was fashionable in the 1700s, and some American presidents have owned alligators or peacocks as pets. Today, though, squirrels and peacocks are not standard pets; rather, dogs and cats dominate, and many Americans also own songbirds, fish, and snakes, along with small mammals such as rabbits and hamsters. The APPA’s latest market research has stated that 68% of all American households own at least one pet, with a total of 90 million dogs and 94 million cats.

While researching this topic we came across a great article online. This article explains the best possible ways to make sure your pet remains as happy and healthy as possible. If you are a pet guardian or are simply interested in the topic, we suggest giving it a read. Hopefully you will also find value in it.

To read the aforementioned article and learn more on this topic, please follow the link here: