Want to Make Money from Your Blog? Three Tips for Increasing Readership and Revenue

Did you know that there are over 176 million blogs on the web, with 39 percent of bloggers making some amount of revenue from their blogging? If you are looking for ways to increase the number of readers your blog has, and also make some more money from your writing, here are three tips for making it happen.

1. Brand Yourself

The majority of successful blogs have a clear focus online. The famous American blogger Perez Hilton, for example, concentrates on celebrity gossip, and that is what has made him famous. Try and concentrate on making your blog about what you can offer others in terms of knowledge and tips. Every time someone views your blog, you want them to leave having learned something they did not know before. Including facts, statistics and advice can encourage readers to keep coming back.

2. Distribute Your Content

If you just leave your blog alone on your site, it will take a long time to build up readership. Let your readers know through Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and other social media sites. 72 percent of bloggers, in fact, advertise their posts using Twitter. Also make sure you have an RSS icon on your website. RSS icons allow your readers to quickly follow your blogger RSS feed. This RSS feed list will provide them with constant access to your site, increasing the amount of traffic you experience overall. RSS feed icons should be orange with white detailing for easy recognition.

3. Make that Money

There are many ways to convert your blog into a successful revenue source. At first, you might only get five dollars or so a month, but this will build over time. If you own your site domain, which means you pay a fee and are not listed as a subdomain of a hosting blog site, then you can use Google adsense on your blog. If you do not own your site, no worries! You can make use of affiliate programs like the one Amazon has. With this you can even pick which items you want to advertise, which can be an advantage if you run, say, a beauty blog and would like to make money from referring people to the lipsticks you recommend. Once you build up a large enough audience, you might even receive some free samples.